Levi-Strauss - Binary Opposites
- good vs evil
- adults vs youth
- normality vs abnormality
- prisoner vs captor - Kale & Policeman against Robert
- society vs situation - in the situation actions seem acceptable/reasonable e.g. spying on people & breaking into Robert's house
- fear vs happiness
- light vs dark - visually and metaphorically
- freedom vs entrapment
- deliberate killing (victims of murder) vs accident death (Kale's dad and self defence killing)
- family vs individual
- conviction vs casual - Kale thinks he is right about Robert so he carries on trying to prove it, he has a convicted method of investigating whilst the policeman is more casual because Kale punched his cousin
- warm vs cold - visual and metaphorical, the killing room is cold with the freezer and clinical feeling, but the family home is warm in comparison
Todorov - Narrative structure
- Equlibrium - family life, the fishing trip with his father then ringing his mum to say they were ok
- 1st disruption - death of father
- 2nd disruption - Kale punches his teacher
- Big disruption - Murderer is discovered by Kale
- Thwarted attempts at resolution - Kale tries to get people to believe him
- Resolution - He solves the mystery and actively investigates it himself
- New equilibrium - Kale is released from house arrest, he gets the girl, he gets revenge on the boys who have been picking on him throughout the film, his relationship with his mother improves and he grows more mature.
Propp - Character types
- Villain/antagonist - Robert Turner
- Hero/protagonist - Kale
- Helper - Ronny
- Princess - Ashley & Mother
- Donor - Dad - cameras/binoculars - values
- Mum - gets rid of his Xbox etc, so makes him concentrate on others things - Dispatcher - Ashley & Dad
- Father figure - Dead father & Mum
- False hero - policeman
Barthes - Action and enigma codes
- Car crash - led to him punching his teacher
- Kale punching his teacher - led to him being on house arrest
- Kale being on house arrest - led to him discovering the murderer
- Kale's mum taking away his xbox, computer, itunes etc - led to Kale discovering the murderer
- Ashley moving in next door - led to Kale beginning to watch people - led to voyeurism - led to discovery of murderer
- Bloody bag being dragged down the stairs - led to Ronny going inside Robert's house
- Blood splatter on window - What is happening inside the room? Whose blood is it?
- Girl being chased around Robert's house then leaving unharmed - Why did she look so petrified? How did she over power him/escape?
- Bloody bag being dragged down the stairs - What is inside the bag? Is it the girl from the news?
- The dent in Robert's car, just as described on the news - Was it him? Is he the murderer?
- The dent being fixed the next day and Robert say it was because of a car show - Is he telling the truth? Is it just a coincidence? Is Kale telling the truth?
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