Friday 16 November 2007

Location Ideas and Actors

As ideas for location I thought perhaps my house because it is very secluded (in Epping Forest) and it shows isolation very well. This location would be good for an outside shot and then I thought we could use inside Rebecca's house for the inside of the house, except the two houses' layouts don't match up to it might look very disjointed. However I will take some pictures of both locations and blog them anyway.

I'm not too keen on having to rely on someone outside of the group for acting as we have a lot of work outside Media and so other people may not want to spend their free time acting in our thriller opening. However we have to get someone that will look good in the thriller so I've got to keep thinking of other people who could possibly be in it. If it did come to it, I think either myself or Angela could act in it because there aren't a lot of close up facial shots so even if someone isn't an excellent actor it may not overly effect the opening.

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