Wednesday 23 January 2008

Retribution: Misery & Other Aspects Of Influences

I've noticed that Retribution doesn't really compare to or mirror any opening sequences that I've seen, in my opinion. Retribution definitely shares qualities with films and certain scenes throughout those films, however I do not think that we took much inspiration from any actual opening sequences.

Originally we began with an inspiration from the Misery opening sequence with the close up of the glass and alkaseltzers in the morning scene and then the smoking section mirroring Misery's opening sequence with a cigarette on the table and the champagne glass. But as this isn't directly at the beginning of the opening I feel as if we didn't really draw much from other films openings.

Also we didn't just mirror one idea or draw influence from just one film. We all had different ideas and blended a few together that worked (all of which were from different films).

I think this method of doing things was good because it doesn't mirror any particular film too closely, which could have the potential of looking as if we just directly lifted our idea from that film. I like how our film can have different influences, rather than just one, because I think it shows the variation within the group that we all had different tastes and inspirations when given our initial idea. This theme continued into our production because people would suggest things that others hadn't necessarily thought of, which kept the creative process in motion and led to a varied opening in terms of interesting shots to look at.

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